Transforming Science for Young People
Marie Neurath and Isotype Books for Children
This website is based on an exhibition at House of Illustration, 19 July – 3 November 2019 curated and designed by Sue Walker, Katie Nairne, Emma Minns, Eric Kindel, Anne-Odling-Smee and Fraser Muggeridge studio.
The exhibition and this website show material from the Otto and Marie Neurath Isotype Collection at the University of Reading.

Photography © House of Illustration
‘Marie Neurath: Picturing science’ is part of a project funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council: ‘Transforming science for young people: Marie Neurath and Isotype books for children’. Led by Sue Walker and Eric Kindel, it is based in the Department of Typography & Graphic Communication at the University of Reading with project partners House of Illustration and Design Science.

Our sincere thanks to Olivia Ahmad, Laura Bennetto, Josefina Bravo, Phil Cuttance, Katie Evans, Emma Hegarty, Marina Inoue, Liza Monks, Fraser Muggeridge, Erica Read, Simon Rogers, Caroline Teng, Thomas Thiemich, Type By and Laura Weill.